Yat Kor's steaming hot sauna prawns
Ok, so I haven't blogged for a while again, and today I feel like blogging about food. Just coz' I tried something interesting last weekend when I went with some my church Sunday School teachers friends for dinner at Yat Kor restaurant at USJ 1.We tried prawns in sauna! Yes, each prawn comes individually wrapped in a cute little towel...hehe, just kidding.
Basically the guys comes bit a pot of hot water and a bunch of fresh uncooked prawns. Then he dumps the prawns on top of the steaming pot, so it looks kinda like this.
In a second, the pot start spewing out smoke like a chimney on steroids. You can't even see the guy sitting behind the pot. Did you even know he was there?
And voila, after a couple of seconds of spewing hot steam, the prawns are cooked and ready for eating!
Hmm, yummy fresh steamed prawns...
The other stuff we tried was mostly normal dishes, including salted egg calamari and kangkung belacan, which all tasted yummy as well.
And the good thing is the shop isn't too full of people. So go try it out one day, at least just to enjoy the prawns taking a sauna! Lol!